sabato 4 ottobre 2014

DIY Headband Tutorial

This is my tutorial for an easy and cheap headband (so fashion, thanks Harry Styles!)

What do you need?
  • A piece of stretchy fabric
  • A meter
  • A ruler
  • Fabric chalks or a pencil
  • Scissors
  • Pins
  • Sewing thread
Follow these simple steps to do your own headband!
  1. Take the meter and measure your head circumference.
  2. When you have it, subtract some cm from that number. My fabric is medium stretchy so I subtract 5/6 cm. If the fabric is really stretchy, subtract more. If not, then subtract less.
  3. With your fabric chalks or a pencil write down on your fabric the final lenght of the headband. Then sign the height. Mine is 24 cm because I want to fold it three times. Be sure you draw 90 degrees angles. Finish to draw the rectangle. 
  4. Take the scissors and cut the rectangle you just drew.
  5. You now have to sew the ends of the headband. Lay the sides of the fabric one on the other. If your fabric has a forehand and a backhand, be sure to match the two forehand sides. 
  6. Fix the fabric with some pins.
  7. Sew the fabric with a sewing machine using an elastic seam if you have one or you can sew it by hands. Two important things to remember are to leave a cm from the edge of the fabric and to secure the stitching at the start and at the end. A good way to do it is to go back and forth a couple of times. 
  8. If you want you can iron the open sewing for a better result.
  9. Take your headband and fold the edge sides inside. 
  10. You can leave it like this or you can sew on side to fix it better. 

And this is the finish look! 
I hope you like this tutorial and if you try to do one yourself, send me some pictures on twitter or instagram! 
Check out my vlog about this :)

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