lunedì 28 aprile 2014


This is my latest project: YouTube BoyBand T-shirts! Last week I went to Milan for ITAtube, the first ever italian conference about the YouTube world and I thought it would be nice to give the guys we were meeting some presents.
If you don't know who they are, check out their channels!
From the left: PointlessBlog (Alfie), Jim Chapman, TatcherJoe (Joe Sugg), Marcus Butler and Caspar Lee. I have to say I would never expect them to actually wear it, but it happened on the main stage of the convention during their BoyBand Challenge. I was so happy and shocked, I probably screamed a little bit too much :)

As usual, this t-shirts are handmade printed. I keep telling you this because so many people don't believe it and think they are printed, but they aren't!
It's all made by my little hands! 
I hope the guys will see this post one day, there were too many people at the meets with them and I completely understand it's impossible to remember every single face.
But anyway, I'm so happy they wore and enjoy them! 

At the moment I'm editing my blog post about the whole experience, it might take a while... Hopefully this week I'm also starting my YouTube channel too :)
Keep your eyes open! 

Love G.

4 commenti:

  1. Risposte
    1. We are planning some stuff at the moment, because we have to officialize them! And now we'll be back on sale ;)

    2. If you want to check out our online shop there are a few tshirts left :)
